Thursday, October 14, 2010

Ready to make nice?

I am strong believer that God brings things to your heart or mind when you are ready to receive them.  Some people may look at that as Him nudging you in that direction, for me it usually takes a 2x4 over the head!  I have some situations with two people I had been friends with in the past and I/we ended our friendship abruptly for one reason or another.  But in the past few days the way these relationships ended is really weighing on my heart and as much as I have tried to brush it aside, things keep coming up that remind me of these people. 

Maybe the reason it is weighing so heavy is because I have come to realize my part in the friendship ending.  I am very much aware that in a disagreement such as these were, that it takes two to tango and that I can only own my part of what happened.  But I am having the most difficult time trying to swallow my pride in order to contact these people and sort out what happened and sincerely apologize for my part in hurting the other person. 

The other issue is this, what if I reach out and apologize for my part and then my olive branch is unreceived?  What do I do with that?  I continue to think and pray about this, because I feel it is something I need to attend to, but I am honestly scared of what the reaction would be.



heather said...

My wonderful you stated in the paragraph above, you can only be responsible for your own actions. If you appologize and receive nothing in return, at least you can try to heal half of the hurt that you are battling. Perhaps you making the first move will soften the heart of you!

annette said...

Sometimes you just need to move on. I've had friendships end because they were very one sided and I've realized as I got older that I want to surround myself with positive supportive people. It does take two to tango. I guess you need to ask yourself what will happen after you ask for forgiveness. Is it a renewed friendship your seeking or trying to ease guilt? I'm with Heather. Make your peace and if they don't want a make amends then at least you can heal.

Melinda said...

Those are good questions to ask myself Annette. With one person, the guilt I feel is because I did insult her and I think part of me felt jealous of her determination through difficult times. Maybe it was her ambition that I was envious of. I think with this person I would like a renewed friendship.

And the second is a person I haven't known long and with this person I had repeatedly tried to smooth over the rough parts of our friendship to no avail. I don't really have any desire to renew that friendship. Maybe I just don't like the conflict...