Friday, July 23, 2010


This morning I received an email from a dear friend that brought me to tears.  It was so moving that I am hoping she will allow me to post it on my blog.  Anyway, after reading the email at 5am I had burst of thoughts- which usually happens to me and then I have nothing to write on.  But this morning I had my blackberry close by and started typing myself a reminder.

So many people can tell you so many awful things about yourself- that is what usually happens to me.  But in an instance one woman brought me to tears.  Tears about the way we, as women, completely tear ourselves apart- no matter what size we are.  As if somehow we will never be.... enough.

Our daughters begin at an extremely young age ripping themselves to shreds because they are not enough.  As teenagers we really feel at all times that we are never enough.  And as young women we starve ourselves because we have to be enough in order to find a mate, in fact we base our entire self worth on being enough.  Then as wives and mothers we may let "ourselves go" because other must come first  and even in the midst of marital or motherhood bliss, we punish ourselves for not being who we think we "ought to be".

I say it's ENOUGH!

I have spent my whole life on this planet punishing myself for not being enough.  It's time for me to end it.  It's time for all of us to end it.  I am more than enough.  I am the only Melinda Marie there will ever be and if I weren't enough, than God would never have breathed life into me and said "this is your life my child and I have made you in my image and that image is perfection."

Have you reached the point where you feel you are more than enough?  When are we going to stop punishing ourselves to look a certain way and decide instead that we need to keep our bodies healthy- whatever that number on the scale happens to be.  When are we going to love the arms that hold our children, embrace our spouse?  When are we going to love the stretch marks that developed because we brought a child into this world?  All of those imperfections we see in the mirror are the marks of a life lived.  And shouldn't we be grateful that we have lived that life?

 I think it's time.



Katie said...

BRAVO! Beautifully said and I agree completely. Amen sister! :-)

C said...

Right there with you honey