Monday, September 13, 2010

How is your OS?

I have just finished up the second class in my adventure to a new career. And even though I already have a BA, I am taking classes to get an Associates Degree in Paralegal Studies. So the way I figure it, I will have a college degree and a half! :)

The class was Computer and Internet Literacy, so I have been thinking about how we, well how I, push my computers and expect them always to perform at their best everytime I turn them on, no matter what tasks I require of it. I also expect my body to perform at the same level no matter what is happening. But recently I have felt my body or my operating system (OS) has been pushed to the max! How far can a human body go under tremendous amounts of stress before it breaks?

This past two weeks, I have felt as though my body has been pushed to it's limit. There were a few extra-ordinary events that happened, but most of it is just life! How does one get through these events without completely cracking up?

I will admit that I have done a major backslide these last few weeks and am having a very hard time prioritizing what I know needs to be done. I have a good friend who wants to go and workout together, yet I haven't gotten back to her yet, because I feel like I haven't come up for air yet. My eating habits have gotten quite poor, I haven't been eating breakfast and have had way to much caffeine and sugar. Mostly the caffeine makes up for the exhaustion I have been feeling because my mind is so preoccupied that I am not sleeping very well. And the last straw? I re-injured my back this weekend, so I am in pain- which means it's back to PT!

When does it end? When will I get a break? When can my family just get away, relax and have some fun? I am not expecting any particular answer, because I am not sure there is one. What do you think?


1 comment:

deb said...

Its the hardest I know! But we want a new lifestyle, so where can we make concessions? squeeze in 10% of a healthy new habit, its better then 0% right? I just read 2 awesome books for this - Becks Diet (cognitive therapy) and Winning at Losing about a woman who has fought to keep it off and what that is like. Positive self talk and you!