Sunday, August 1, 2010

Another year...

So after some "events" last week regarding my over exposure of a situation on the internet,  I feel quite nervous about writing anything.  But I have determined that Diane Sawyer would not let anyone stop her and neither will I!  So on with the blog!

Wednesday my miracle baby, Regan Jamie Marie, turned two!  She was born just 4 days before I turned 35 and now I share my birthday with my sweet and sassy Princess Punky!  I have always been a person who has loved, loved LOVED birthdays- especially mine.  My Mom used to tease me because she said I would start planning my birthday right after Christmas- she was probably right.

It wasn't until recently that I began to dread having birthdays- probably due to the fact that I nearing the big 4-0.  But the last few days I have been really thinking about what a dramatic shift my life has made in the last two years.  It's been huge!  I went from being quite a homebody with few friends to having a wonderful and full life with friends, family and activities that capture my attention.  And as busy, hectic and tiring my days are- I feel so incredibly blessed!  So today is my birthday and rather than dreading growing another year older- I am celebrating my life!  Because it is blessed all the way to it's core.

A few nights ago my family was over for the birthday celebrations and my Mom and I were talking about some experiences that I had in life, experiences that she didn't understand at all.  I have always been one who pushes buttons, boundaries, limits, etc.  That is something my rule following Mother has never understood.  In the midst of the discussion she asked me if I had to do it over would I have not done some of the things that (to her) were out of control.  And I immediately said no- why would I?  All of my experiences, wonderful and tragic have shaped the Melinda I am today.  And why should I ever make excuses for the life journey I have had.

So Happy Birthday to ME!  I cherish all fun, scary and weird 37 years I have been on this planet.  My life is a gift from God and I am doing more and more to love and appreciate all of it's components!



C said...

Mel - I love this post and feel you are your own woman and standing strong. I applaud you.

Confused though to what happened on the internet though. I live in a baby world and have lost touch with reality.

Kristen said...

Happy (belated) birthday! I, too, love this post and your strength. It takes a lot to put your feelings, thoughts and struggles out there.

Melinda said...

Christene, it was in regards to an earlier post I did last week or the week before. I was upset at something had happened and expressed my feelings and some people felt it was an inappropriate venue to do so. But life goes on and so do!