Saturday, July 10, 2010

And here I go...

So here goes...everything!  I have many inspirations to take this journey, my husband, my children, but the biggest and most important would be myself.  I feel pretty selfish saying that.  I think as mothers or women, we are trained that we come last.  We get up at the crack of dawn to take a shower and get ready so that there is time to dress and feed the kids.  We go without in order for our kids to have what they need.

I have very few things I feel like I own, so I guess the purpose here is to say that I am going to own my body.  Own the shape it has become, but own the fact that things have to change and then I will own the right to feel good about myself.  This is not to say that everyone must be a size 2 in order to be valued- everyone has value as a child of God and as a part of humanity.  So it shouldn't matter what size your jeans say or what the number on the scale is, you have value.  I HAVE VALUE!  But I know that I am not healthy and I do not take care of myself and I am not whole.

I have spent the last calendar year trying to decide what career field to enter and to get there, what school I needed to attend.  It has taken me an entire year to figure all of that out and begin.  I did research, talked to friends and made sure the school I would be attending would be one of the best.  So why wouldn't I want the best for my body?  Why, why, why....  That is the eternal and unanswerable question- for now.  Maybe I'll come to an answer, guess we'll have to wait and see.

So just as I have set goals for my education and career, I will attempt to set some for my own personal self. Physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally.  I will decide what is right for me.  I have this problem (as do most of us) of looking at friends and even strangers and somehow think they have it all figured out!  Being a size 2 must be happiness!  Yes, I must strive to be a size 2!  Running a marathon must be my goal!  Yes, I must run a marathon!  Those might realistic goals for somebody, but they aren't for me.  A. I am almost 5'9", if I were a size 2 you would be able to count my ribs!  B.  I don't like running or being sweaty or being in the sun!  In fact I have always said I would only run if someone were chasing me with a knife.  So why would I strive to be like someone else?  There is only one of me, so shouldn't I love me?

Don't get me wrong, I am taking this seriously.  This is the war of my life and I know that.  I am 36 years old and I want to see 40.  I want to see my kids graduate from high school and get married.  I want to see my daughter have a child (mostly so I can see if it's true that she will have a child as challenging as she is! But that is another blog...).  I want to put a swimsuit on and go to the beach one day.  I want to be the woman who loves having her picture taken again.  I want my husband to look at me like there isn't anyone more beautiful than me.  I want my daughter to have a healthy self-esteem and love herself.  I want to LIVE!

So for this week I have a few goals I would like to meet.  Goal 1- make sure I eat three healthy meals a day and no snacking after 9pm.  Goal 2- begin doing some simple yoga or pilates 3 x a week (this is actually more doctor's orders- yep, I am a stressed out, over committed mother!) Goal 3- take a walk around the block with my dog 3 days this week.  That's it for this week.

I invite you to post your comments about your own struggles with all of these issues.  I look forward to walking this journey and I have faith that I will become the person I want to see in the mirror.

Peace, Melinda


Brandy said...

You are well on your way, my friend.

It took getting cancer twice to start focusing on ME, so I know your struggle as a wife and mother. Taking care of yourself ensures that you will be there to take care of your family.

And there is no room for guilt when it comes to taking care of you. You are worth the time, worth the effort and worth the cost of what it takes to get healthy.

I'm strapping on my walking shoes and will be right next to you on your journey.

Melinda said...

Thanks Bran! I so appreciate your support and love!

Mer said...

You go girl! Self-confidence is a struggle for eveyone and I admire you (even more!) for being so open about this. I'm concerned about wearing a bathing suit in Vegas next weekend! ;-P And I hope you love the yoga as much as I do. A blissful hour just to myself where I amaze myself with what my body can do.

Heart u!

Melinda said...

You will rock that bathing suit in Vegas! And you and Jay will have an awesome time!

Love you, Mel

Heather said...

Melinda, I am so happy for you for finally tackling the choice to take on yourself! It is difficult but I know you will succeed! I am here if you need any help/advice.

Melinda said...

Thanks for your support Heather, it means a lot to me!

Molly said...

I have full confidence in you to do what is right for you. You are doing the right thing with starting with simple steps. Sometimes even the simple steps are easy to put aside for all of the others that are a priority in our lives. Be true to yourself. You can do this!! On a personal note, I am thinking of taking a beginning yoga class at my gym (you know that place that I have been to four times since I joined a month ago). Let me know what you think. I am going to start in two weeks when Drew starts school.


Melinda said...

I will Molly! My sister and another friend swear by yoga! Need to do something to de-stress! Thanks for always being so supportive of me- even if I really didn't want to go to class all the nine thousand times you dragged me!


Kristen said...

It took forced bedrest for me to finally realize that I need to be a priority. It's hard putting ourselves first when it's so easy to focus on the kids, the husband, the house, the job...everything. You are definitely not alone in this journey. I've got my walking shoes on and my pilates videos streaming (via Netflix) so let's do it together. Together, we can accomplish so much.

Melinda said...

You are a doll! I am glad to have you walking next to me. We will make it sister!
